IRIS volunteers in Mason City said goodbye at a coffee June 9 to volunteer coordinator Jane Ginapp, although she is not going very far! Jane has served as volunteer coordinator for more than 3 years, and in addition to scheduling volunteers, has worked on IRIS outreach and public relations, putting out a newsletter and scheduling many volunteer get togethers. Lisa Janzer Mott will take over the IRIS scheduling duties, but Jane will continue to read for IRIS in Mason City.
Mason City IRIS volunteers Marv Murphy, Ralph Cassady, Jane Ginapp, Lisa Janzer Mott , Barb Wendt, Kay Faulken were among the IRIS readers at a coffee June 9 at KCMR Radio.
Outgoing Mason City volunteer coordinator Jane Ginapp receives a coveted IRIS vase from Director Rob Davis as a "thank you'' for her work on behalf of IRIS.
KCMR Manager Bill Schickel shares a laugh with IRIS volunteers at a training session and coffee June 9 at the radio station.